The need of patients with chronic diseases for intelligent health nursing management of tradition Chinese medicine by cellphone APP:a qualitative study
中文关键词: 中医护理;慢性病;健康管理;手机APP;质性研究
英文关键词: Traditional Chinese medicine nursing;Chronic disease;Health management;Cellphone APP;Qualitative study
林钰铮 福建中医药大学护理学院, 福州 350122  
葛莉 福建中医药大学护理学院, 福州 350122 813388030@qq.com 
王冠东 河南省人民医院呼吸重症RICU, 河南省护理医学重点实验室, 郑州大学人民医院, 郑州 450003  
陈凡 福建中医药大学护理学院, 福州 350122  
黄萍萍 福建中医药大学护理学院, 福州 350122  
邓丽金 福建中医药大学护理学院, 福州 350122  
摘要点击次数: 2406
全文下载次数: 493
      目的 探索慢病患者对手机APP中医智能健康护理管理的需求,为构建手机APP中医智能健康护理管理模式提供依据。方法 采用目的抽样法,对26名慢病患者进行一对一半结构式访谈,应用Mayring的内容分析法对文本进行分析。结果 质性访谈形成4个主题:需要构建以用户体验为核心的中医智能健康护理管理手机软件服务平台;需要具备良好职业素养的上门护士;需要满足慢病患者居家的中西医护理需求;需要落实监管部门对中医智能健康护理管理手机软件服务平台的监管。结论 在“互联网+”背景下,慢病患者对手机APP中医智能健康护理管理需求大。在建构中医智能健康护理管理平台时要注重平台使用环境和使用功能;同时提供良好职业能力和职业道德的上门护士;满足慢病患者对中西医健康评估、健康照护和健康教育的需求;强化线上、线下和联动监管。
      Objective To explore the needs of patients with chronic diseases for intelligent health nursing management of tradition Chinese medicine by cellphone APP,and provide a basis for constructing a model of intelligent health nursing management of tradition Chinese medicine by cellphone APP.Methods 26 patients with chronic diseases were enrolled by purposive sampling.A one-to-one semi-structured in-depth interview was conducted and the text was analyzed using Mayring’s qualitative content analysis.Results Four themes were attained:Need to construct smart mobile software service platforms of intelligent health nursing management of tradition Chinese medicine focused on user experience;Need for visiting nurses with nice professionalism;Need for combined Chinese and Western nursing of patients with chronic diseases;Need to implement supervision on smart mobile software service platforms of intelligent health nursing management of tradition Chinese medicine.Conclusion Under the background of “Internet Plus”,patients with chronic diseases have a great demand for intelligent health nursing management of tradition Chinese medicine by cellphone APP.Platform environment and function should be focused on when constructing smart mobile software service platforms;platforms need visiting nurses with good professional skills and ethics;visiting nurses need to provide Chinese and Western medicine health assessment,health care and health education for patients with chronic diseases;authorities should strengthen online and offline supervision,and unite different organizations for more comprehensive supervision.
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