The observation of foot reflexology and head face self massage curative effect in the sub-health state of college students
中文关键词: 足部反射疗法;头面部推拿;亚健康
英文关键词: Head and face self-massage therapy;Sub-health;Foot reflex therapy
张志龙 济宁医学院临床医学院, 济宁 272067  
龙超 济宁医学院临床医学院, 济宁 272067  
蔡仕飞 济宁医学院临床医学院, 济宁 272067  
刘翠 济宁医学院中西医结合学院, 济宁 272067 516345689@qq.com 
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      目的 观察足部反射疗法与头面部自我推拿两种方法调理大学生亚健康状态的疗效。方法 采用康奈尔医学指数(Cornell Medical Index,CMI)的自填式健康问卷(CMI评分)进行筛查和评价。纳入120例亚健康状态患者并将其随机分为观察组(60例)和对照组(60例),观察组联合采用足部反射疗法与头面部自我推拿方法进行调理,对照组采用足部反射疗法进行调理,每周5次,2周为1疗程,2个疗程结束后应用CMI评分表分别对两组再次进行测评,统计两组CMI症状总评分差值及有效率。结果 观察组CMI症状总评分差值40.48±2.58,有效率95%(57/60);对照组CMI症状总评分差值24.89±3.37,有效率73.3%(44/60),两组CMI症状总评分差值及有效率差异分别具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组患者均未出现不良反应。结论 联合使用足部反射疗法与头面部自我推拿对调理大学生亚健康状态疗效优于足部反射疗法,效果显著,操作简单,安全性高,易于推广。
      Objective To observe the effect of two methods:foot reflexology and self-massage on the head and face to regulate the subhealth status of college students.Methods The self-filling health questionnaire (CMI)of Cornell Medical Index (CMI)was used for screening and evaluation.The 120 sub-health patients were randomly divided into observation group (60 cases)and control group (60 cases).The observation group adopted foot reflexology and head facial massage method to regulate itself.the control group was used foot reflexology to regulate for five times a week and 2 weeks as course of treatment.After 2 courses of application the CMI scale was measured for two groups respectively.CMI symptoms total score difference and efficient was analyzed between two groups.Results The total score of CMI symptoms in the observation group was 40.48±2.58,and the effective rate was 95% (57/60).The total score of CMI in the control group was 24.89±3.37,and the effective rate was 73.3% (44/60).The difference of total score and effective difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion The combination of foot reflexology with facial self massage head of college students sub-health state curative effect is superior to the foot reflexology,which is obvious effect,simple operation,high safety,easy to promote.
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