Research on “Internet+ chronic disease” management mode of middle-aged and elderly in rural areas under the background of smart elderly care
中文关键词: 互联网+;慢性病;智慧养老;农村;中老年人
英文关键词: Internet+;Chronic diseases;Wisdom elderly care;The countryside;Middle aged and elderly people
赵睿 蚌埠医学院全科医学系, 蚌埠 233030  
刘峰 蚌埠医学院全科医学系, 蚌埠 233030  
朱坤 蚌埠医学院第一附属医院, 蚌埠 233030 490242008@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 1726
全文下载次数: 487
      目的 研究“互联网+”慢性病管理对农村中老年人的影响,了解互联网医疗与农村中老年人的互动模式,促进以全科医生为主导的互联网医疗资源的有效利用,为进一步推进智慧养老模式的应用提出建议与对策。方法 采用多阶段随机抽样方法,抽取安徽省蚌埠市1800名农村常住居民发放问卷,用SPSS 23.0录入数据,进行相关统计学分析。结果 共发放问卷1800份,回收有效问卷1779份,有效率达98.83%。使用过“互联网+”医疗的有1383人,其中使用过互联网进行慢性病健康咨询、在线诊疗或是病情监测的有1168人;完全没有接触过互联网医疗的有396人。41.46%居民对于互联网提供的慢性病信息有一定的信任,60.74%居民能够理解互联网提供的知识信息,72.06%的居民希望全科医生可以通过“互联网+”方式实现慢性病的全程系统化管理。居民认为制约互联网慢性病自我管理的主要因素依次是隐私安全无保障(62.00%)、诊疗准确度较低(47.11%)、信息来源不可靠(46.04%)、效率不高(19.96%)、操作过程复杂(16.92%)、费用较高(7.98%)。单因素分析显示,“互联网+”慢性病管理的使用率与年龄文化程度以及慢性病健康知识水平有相关性。多元logistic回归显示,年龄80岁以上是“互联网+”慢性病管理使用率低的影响因素,高文化程度和慢性病健康知识水平高则是“互联网+”慢性病管理使用率高的保护因素。结论 政府及相关部门应进一步加大互联网传播力度,提高互联网信息质量,加强互联网安全法律监管,不断提升社区居民的慢性病健康素养。基于老年人慢性病服务需求现状,加大全科医生培训力度,完善“互联网+”平台建设,全面推进智慧养老模式的发展。
      Objective To study the impact of “Internet+ chronic disease” management on middle-aged and elderly people in rural areas,understand the interaction mode between Internet medical care and the elderly people in rural areas,promote the effective utilization of Internet medical resources led by general practitioners,and put forward suggestions and countermeasures for further promoting the application of smart elderly care mode.Methods Take the multistage random sampling method.The questionnaire was issued to 1800 permanent rural residents in Bengbu,Anhui province.Input data with SPSS 23.0 and statistical analysis was used.Results A total of 1800 questionnaires were issued,with 1779 valid questionnaires recovery,and the effective rate was 98.83%.The results showed that in 1779 surveys,there were 1383 people using “Internet+” medical care.Among them,1168 people have used the Internet for chronic disease health consultation,online diagnosis and treatment or disease monitoring.There were 396 people without contact “Internet+”.The survey showed that some residents trusted the Internet for information about chronic diseases(41.46%).60.74% of residents could understand the information provided by the Internet.72.06% of residents hoped the general practitioners to realize the systematic management of chronic diseases through the “Internet+”.The main factors that residents consider to restrict the self-management of Internet chronic diseases were:no privacy security(62.00%),low diagnosis and treatment(47.11%),unreliable sources of information(46.04%),low efficiency(19.96%),complex operation process(16.92%),high cost(7.98%).Single factors analysis showed that the use of “Internet+” medical care was correlated with age,urban and rural situation,literacy and knowledge of chronic disease health.Multiple logistic regression showed that more than the age of over 80 was risk factors for low utilization rate of chronic diseases management of “Internet +”,while high educational level and high knowledge level of chronic diseases were its protection factor.Conclusion The government and relevant departments should further strengthen the dissemination of Internet,improve the quality of Internet information,strengthen the legal supervision of Internet safety,and constantly improve the chronic disease health literacy of community residents.Based on the current situation of chronic disease services for the elderly,the training of general practitioners should be intensified,the construction of the “Internet +” platform should be improved,and the development of the smart elderly care model should be comprehensively promoted.
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