A clinical study on anterior alveolar bone morphology in adult patients with skeletalCIassⅢ malocclusion after orthodontic treatment
中文关键词: 骨性Ⅲ类错牙合;牙槽骨厚度;牙槽骨高度
英文关键词: Skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion;Alveolar bone thickness;Alveolar bone height
姜娟 山东第一医科大学第二附属医院, 泰安 271000  
薛青 山东第一医科大学第二附属医院, 泰安 271000  
丁晓华 山东第一医科大学第二附属医院, 泰安 271000  
刘莹 山东省泰安市口腔医院, 泰安 271000  
陈岱韻 山东第一医科大学口腔医学院, 泰安 271000 xiaoshaguadt@126.com 
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      目的 研究成人骨性Ⅲ类错牙合患者正畸掩饰治疗前后上下颌前牙牙槽骨厚度、高度的特征,探讨正畸掩饰治疗对成人骨性Ⅲ类错牙合患者牙槽骨厚度、高度的影响。方法 选出山东第一医科大学第二附属医院正畸掩饰治疗的30例成人骨性Ⅲ类错牙合患者。对正畸治疗前后头颅侧位片上下颌前牙牙槽骨厚度及牙槽骨高度项目值进行比较。结果 矫治后上颌前牙区牙槽骨总厚度在根尖点水平及根中点水平分别平均减小0.93mm和0.89mm(P<0.001);上颌前牙腭侧牙槽骨厚度在根尖水平及唇侧牙槽厚度在根中水平分别平均减少0.80mm和0.35mm(P<0.05);下颌前牙区牙槽骨总厚度在根尖点水平、根中点水平分别平均减小(0.65mm、0.50mm)(P<0.001);下颌唇侧牙槽骨厚度在根尖点水平及舌侧牙槽骨厚度在根中点水平分别平均减小0.40mm和0.42mm(P<0.001);上下颌牙槽骨唇侧附着高度分别平均减少0.48mm和0.74mm(P<0.001)。结论 成人骨性Ⅲ类错牙合患者正畸掩饰治疗后,上下前牙牙槽骨厚度及高度存在一定的减少,因此矫治中应时刻关注牙槽形态的变化,尽量减少上下前牙代偿性移动,避免造成不良反应。
      Objective To investigate anterior alveolar bone thickness and height in skeletal Class Ⅲ patients with camouflage orthodontic treatment,and to explore the influence of camouflage orthodontic treatment on anterior alveolar bone thickness and height.Methods Total of 30 skeletal Class Ⅲ patients with camouflage orthodontic treatment from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University were selected in the study.The values of alveolar bone thickness and height on the lateral cranial radiographs were compared before and after camouflage orthodontic treatment.Results After orthodontic treatment,the mean alveolar bone thickness significantly decreased at the mid-root level and apex level(0.93mm and 0.89mm) in the maxillary anterior areas(P<0.001).The mean lingual bone thickness at the apex level and mean labial bone thickness at the mid-root level significantly decreased in the maxillary anterior areas(0.80mm and 0.35mm)(P<0.05).The mean alveolar bone thickness in the mandibular anterior areas significantly decreased at the mid-root level and apex level (0.65mm and0.50mm)(P<0.001).The mean labial bone thickness at the apex level and lingual bone thickness at the mid-root level significantly decreased in the mandibular anterior areas(0.40mm and 0.42mm)(P<0.001).The labial attachment height of alveolar bone of upper and lower teeth decreased(0.48mm and 0.74mm) significantly (P<0.001).RConclusion After camouflage orthodontic treatment in adult patients with skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion,the anterior alveolar bone thickness and height decreased.Therefore,sufficient attention should be paid to the changes of alveolar morphology in the treatmentto reduce the compensatory movement of upper and lower anterior teeth and avoid adverse reactions.
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