Cognition of endocrinologists and stomatologist on the relationship between diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease
中文关键词: 内分泌医生;口腔医生;糖尿病;牙周病;认知情况
英文关键词: Endocrinologist;Stomatologist;Diabetes mellitus;Periodontal disease;Cognitive status
荆红鑫 济宁医学院口腔医学院, 济宁 272013  
孙珂欣 滨州医学院口腔医学院, 烟台 264003  
林源慧 济宁医学院口腔医学院, 济宁 272013  
吕亚倩 济宁医学院口腔医学院, 济宁 272013  
张君谊 济宁医学院口腔医学院, 济宁 272013  
郭立燕 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 Yz220@126.com 
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      目的 了解内分泌科和口腔科医生对糖尿病与牙周病关系的认知现状及诊疗行为,并分析影响两科室医生诊疗行为的因素。方法 采用横断面研究方法,随机抽取济宁市5家综合医院内分泌科及口腔科医生进行问卷调查,并使用 SPSS统计软件进行单因素和多因素分析。结果 内分泌科及口腔科医生关于糖尿病与牙周病关系的认知得分分别是(5.05±1.47)、(5.44±1.31)分,二者差异无统计学意义(t=-1.311,P=0.193);两科室医生在“牙周病是糖尿病的第六并发症”的认知程度差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.282,P=0.001);20.0%的内分泌科医生将糖尿病患者的牙周病诊断列入常规检查项目,35.6%的口腔科医生将牙周病患者的血糖检测列入常规检查项目;年龄为影响两科室医生临床诊疗行为的因素。结论 内分泌科医生和口腔科医生关于糖尿病与牙周病双向关系的关注程度不足,应在临床实践与大学教育中加强对牙周病与糖尿病相关性的教育,提高对糖尿病合并牙周病危害的认知,改进诊疗策略与流程。
      Objective To investigate the cognitive status and diagnosis and treatment behaviors of endocrinologists and dentists on the relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease,and to analyze the factors affecting the diagnosis and treatment behavior of doctors in the two departments.Methods A cross-sectional study method was used to randomly select endocrinologists and dentists from five general hospitals in Jining City to conduct a questionnaire survey,and SPSS statistical software was used for univariate and multivariate analysis.Results The cognitive scores of endocrinologists and dentists on the relationship between diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease were (5.05±1.47) and (5.44±1.31) respectively,and the difference between the two was not statistically significant (t=-1.311,P=0.193);there was a statistically significant difference in the recognition of "periodontal disease being the sixth complication of diabetes mellitus" between the two departments (χ2=10.282,P=0.001);20.0% of endocrinologists included the diagnosis of periodontal disease in diabetic patients as routine examination items,and 35.6% of stomatologists included the blood glucose test of patients with periodontal disease as a routine examination item.Age was a factor that affects the clinical diagnosis and treatment behavior of doctors in the two departments.Conclusion Endocrinologists and dentists have paid less attention to the two-way relationship between diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease.In clinical practice and university education,education on the relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes should be strengthened to raise awareness of the harm of diabetes combined with periodontal disease,and improve diagnosis and treatment strategies and procedures.
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