Demand attributes and influencing factors of home nursing service for the elderly with chronic disease in community based on KANO model
中文关键词: 社区老年人;慢性病;上门护理;需求属性;KANO模型
英文关键词: Community elderly;Chronic diseases;Home care;Demand attribute;KANO model
赵艳丽 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁, 272067  
范添 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁, 272067  
薛刚 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁, 272067  
李慧 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁, 272067  
柳秋实 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁, 272067 15963705656@163.com 
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全文下载次数: 665
      目的 调查社区慢性病老年人上门护理服务KANO需求属性及影响因素,为优化上门护理服务内容提供依据。方法 分层随机抽样,于2020年7月-2021年5月选取山东省社区慢性病老年人241例为调查研究对象,基于KANO模型设计社区慢性病老年人上门护理需求属性问卷,一对一面谈收集资料。结果 241例社区慢性病老年人的18项上门护理服务中有2(11.11%)项为比较必备型需求(M1)、5(27.78%)项期望型需求(O)、3(16.67%)项一般魅力型需求(A2)、4(22.22%)项不太魅力型需求(A3)、4(22.22%)项无差异型需求(I)。多元线性回归分析结果显示文化程度、上门护理人员的专业知识和技能水平需求、疾病治疗和连续服务需求、居家长期照护服务需求是社区慢性病老年人上门护理服务需求属性的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论 基于KANO模型的社区慢性病老年人上门护理服务需求属性及影响因素分析,可以为社区慢性病老年人的上门护理服务项目选择提供依据,提高入户护理服务资源的合理分配和优化使用。
      Objective To investigate the demand attributes and influencing factors of home nursing service for the elderly with chronic diseases in community based on KANO model, and to provide basis for optimizing home nursing services.Methods From July 2020 to May 2021, 241 elderly patients with chronic disease in the community of Shandong Province were selected as the research objects by stratified random sampling.Based on KANO model, a questionnaire was designed for the demand attributes of the elderly with chronic disease in the community, and data were collected by one-to-one interview.Results Among the 18 items of home nursing services for 241 elderly patients with chronic diseases in community, 2(11.11%) items were relatively necessary needs(M1), 5(27.78%) items expected needs(O), 3(16.67%) items general charismatic needs(A2), 4(22.22%) items less charismatic needs(A3), 4(22.22%) items Undifferentiated demand(I).The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that education level, needs for the professional knowledge and skill of home nurses, disease treatment and continuous service needs, and needs for long-term home care services were the influencing factors for demand attributes of home nursing services for the elderly with chronic diseases in community(P<0.05).Conclusion Based on KANO model, the analysis of demand attributes and influencing factors of home nursing services for the elderly with chronic diseases in community can provide a basis for the selection of home care services for the elderly with chronic diseases in community, and improve the rational allocation and optimal use of home care service resources.
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