Co-word cluster analysis of research hotspots in Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science from 2015 to 2020
中文关键词: 期刊;关键词;研究热点;Citespace
英文关键词: Periodical;Keywords;Research hotspots;Citespace
李诺 济宁医学院行为医学教育研究所, 济宁 272067  
杨静 济宁医学院行为医学教育研究所, 济宁 272067  
张作记 济宁医学院行为医学教育研究所, 济宁 272067  
张敬美 济宁医学院行为医学教育研究所, 济宁 272067  
杨祥伟 济宁医学院行为医学教育研究所, 济宁 272067  
冯学泉 济宁医学院行为医学教育研究所, 济宁 272067 springfeng88@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 1299
全文下载次数: 705
      目的 可视化分析2015—2020年《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》发表文献的关键词,总结杂志近5年研究主题的历史演进以及热点趋势,为期刊选题策划、约稿和挖掘优质稿源提供参考。方法 在中国知网(CNKI)检索《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》2015—2020年发表文献,采用Citespace5.7.R2软件对文献关键词进行可视化分析。结果 共纳入文献1499篇。出现频次排名前5位的关键词为抑郁症、抑郁、精神分裂症、焦虑、认知功能,中心度排名前5位的关键词为反刍思维、双相障碍、失眠、儿童、生活质量。研究领域主要为情绪障碍、认知功能、儿童青少年心理行为,脑功能与结构等;研究方法主要为动物实验研究、临床研究、meta分析;常见疾病为抑郁症、精神分裂症、认知功能障碍、阿尔茨海默病等;作用机制研究多集中于影像学研究、脑诱发电位研究等。认知相关领域的研究一直是热点,正念相关理论在行为医学领域的应用越来越多,利用静息态磁共振技术对脑梗死等脑血管疾病的研究也越来越受到关注。结论 可视化分析关键词可快速、直观地反映期刊研究热点的迁移,为提高期刊学术影响力、挖掘创新性强的稿源提供方向和思路。
      Objective To analyze the keywords of articles published in Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science from 2015 to 2020, and summarize the historical evolution and hot trends of research topics in the journal in recent five years, so as to provide a reference for the planning of journal topics, soliciting contributions and selecting high-quality articles.Methods Articles published in Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science from 2015 to 2020 were retrieved from CNKI.Citespace5.7.R2 software was used for visual analysis of literature keywords.Results A total of 1499 literatures were included.Depression disorder, depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and cognitive function were the top five keywords of frequency.The top five key words of centrality were rumination, bipolar disorder, insomnia, children and quality of life.The main research areas were emotional disorders, cognitive function, children and adolescents' psychological behavior, brain function and structure.The main research methods were animal experimental research, clinical research and meta-analysis.The common diseases were depression, schizophrenia, cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer's disease and so on.The mechanism research mainly focused on imaging research, brain evoked potential research and so on.Cognitive related research had always been a hot spot.Mindfulness related theory had been applied more and more in the field of behavioral medicine, and the research on cerebral vascular diseases such as cerebral infarction by using resting state magnetic resonance technology had attracted more and more attention.Conclusion Visual analysis of keywords can quickly and intuitively reflect the migration of research hotspots in journals, and provide direction and ideas for improving the academic influence of journals and exploring innovative articles.
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