The status and influencing factors of the first visit to the psychiatric department of hospitalized elderly patients with depression
中文关键词: 老年抑郁症;首诊精神专科;影响因素
英文关键词: Elderly patients with depression;First visit to the Psychiatric department;Influencing factors
靳书书 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
李秀英 山东省戴庄医院, 济宁 272051  
陈宏 山东省戴庄医院, 济宁 272051 chenhong1569@126.com 
靳丽丽 山东省戴庄医院, 济宁 272051  
摘要点击次数: 1546
全文下载次数: 714
      目的 探讨影响老年抑郁症住院患者首次就诊精神专科的相关因素,为指导老年抑郁症患者的正确就医、合理利用现有的精神卫生资源提供科学依据。方法 采用回顾性横断面研究方法,自行设计调查问卷,对山东省戴庄医院住院老年抑郁症患者的一般情况和首次就诊医疗机构情况进行问卷调查,并使用SPSS26.0统计软件进行数据分析。结果 共调查401例患者,仅有25.19%(101/401)老年抑郁症患者首次就诊精神专科。单因素分析示,首诊和非首诊精神专科在性别、居住地、婚姻状况、家庭年收入、疾病认识、病耻感、抑郁症家族史、职业类型等方面的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。以是否首诊精神专科为因变量,将以上差异有统计学意义的自变量进行二元logistic回归分析显示与首诊精神专科有关的因素(OR,95% CIβ值)包括女性(1.940,1.175~3.203,0.663)、已婚(3.770,1.068~13.303,1.327)、家庭年收入较高(1.805,1.103~2.953,0.591)、有疾病认识(1.799,1.105~2.927,0.587)、无病耻感(0.390,0.231~0.656,-0.943)、有抑郁症家族史(2.254,1.289~3.910,0.809)、非农业生产(1.947,1.165~3.255,0.666)。结论 老年抑郁症患者精神专科首诊率偏低,性别、婚姻、家庭年收入、对疾病的认识、病耻感、抑郁症家族史、职业类型等影响老年抑郁症患者首诊医疗机构的选择。干预老年抑郁症患者可控因素如对疾病的认识、病耻感等,可提高其精神专科首诊率。
      Objective To explore the related factors affecting the first visit to psychiatric department of hospitalized elderly patients with depression, and to provide a scientific basis for guiding the elderly patients with depression to have correct medical treatment and rational use of the existing mental health resources.Methods A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted, and a self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the general situation of elderly patients with depression in Shandong Daizhuang Hospital and their first visit to medical institutions.SPSS26.0 statistical software was used for data analysis.Results A total of 401 patients were investigated.Univariate analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences in gender, residence, marital status, family annual income, knowledge of the disease, stigma, family history of depression, occupation and other aspects between the first visit psychiatric department group and the non-first visit psychiatric department group (P<0.05).Taking whether the psychiatric department was first visited as the dependent variable, binary Logistic regression analysis of the independent variables with statistical significance above showed that the factors influencing the first vist to the psychiatric department(OR, 95%CI and β value) included women (1.940, 1.175~3.203, 0.663), stable marital status (3.770, 1.068~13.303, 1.327), high family income (1.805, 1.103~2.953, 0.591), having the knowledge of the disease (1.799, 1.105~2.927, 0.587), no sense of stigma (0.390, 0.231~0.656, -0.943), positive family history of depression (2.254, 1.289~3.910, 0.809), not agricultural labour (1.947, 1.165~3.255, 0.666).Conclusion Gender, marital status, family income, knowledge of the disease, stigma, family history of depression and occupation have influence on the choice of the first medical institution for the elderly patients with depression.The publicity of depression knowledge should be actively carried out to improve the understanding of depression among elderly patients and their families, so as to get reasonable and effective treatment as soon as possible.
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