Analysis of study on the online live classes of medical students in a university in Tibet under the background of COVID-19
中文关键词: 疫情背景;网络直播课;学习情况;调查
英文关键词: COVID-19 background;Live online class;Learning situation;Survey
任建委 西藏大学医学院, 拉萨 850000  
曲拉 西藏大学医学院, 拉萨 850000  
扎西达娃 西藏大学医学院, 拉萨 850000 zhaxi0891@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 1833
全文下载次数: 699
      目的 新冠肺炎疫情期间收集西藏某高校医学生网络直播课学习的网络情况、学习态度、线上学习总体感受、个人学习效果评价及建议等数据,分析影响线上学习效果的因素,为提升学生线上学习效果提供科学依据和建议。方法 采取方便抽样方法,调查西藏某高校本科生的网上在线学习情况,所收集的数据用SPSS 20.0软件进行统计分析。结果 被调查学生中,95.65%以手机作为网络直播课的学习工具;82.11%学生学习网络速度畅通或一般;72.07%学生每天按时上网课;对学生来说教学节奏整体较快,他们更多倾向于“教师面授”或“面授与网课相结合,教师面授为主,网课学习为辅”的教学方式;学生网络学习满意度为“较好”及以上的比例为41.31%。结论 被调查医学生对线上学习态度较为积极,但由于受到学习环境、网速情况、作息时间的规律性、学习材料的充足性、线上学习的适应性等因素的影响,不同专业学生对最终线上学习效果的总体满意度不同。
      Objective Collect data of network situation,online learning attitude,general feeling,personal learning effect evaluation and suggestions from the students of a university of Tibet during COVID-19 situation,;analyze the factors that influence online learning effectiveness,and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for improving the learning effect of online learning.Methods Convenient sampling was used to collect the data of the overall effect of online learning of undergraduates in a university in Tibet,and conduct investigation and analysis.The data collected were statistically analyzed by SPSS20.0 software.Results Among the students surveyed,95.65% used mobile phones as learning tools for online live classes,82.11% had good or average network speed,and 72.07% had online classes on time every day.For students,the pace of teaching was faster as a whole.They preferred the teaching method of "face-to-face teaching" or "combining face-to-face teaching with online teaching,giving priority to teachers' face-to-face teaching,online learning as a supplement",the proportion of self-evaluation as "medium" and above were 80.60%.Conclusion Medical students investigated had positive attitude towards online learning,however,due to learning environment,network speed,regularity of work and rest time,adequacy of learning materials,online learning adaptability and other factors,students of different majors had different overall satisfaction with the final online learning effect.
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