Analysis of the rule of selecting acupoints and forming prescriptions of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of hyperplasia of mammary gland based on the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support platform
中文关键词: 中医传承辅助平台;针灸;乳腺增生病;数据挖掘
英文关键词: Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support Platform;Acupuncture;Hyperplasia of Mammary Gland;Data mining
刘兴雨 济宁医学院中西医结合学院, 济宁 272067  
李胜楠 济宁医学院中西医结合学院, 济宁 272067  
阎李倩 济宁医学院中西医结合学院, 济宁 272067  
王震 济宁医学院中西医结合学院, 济宁 272067  
郑灿磊 济宁医学院中西医结合学院, 济宁 272067  
郑桂芝 济宁医学院中西医结合学院, 济宁 272067 409549358@qq.com 
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      目的 基于中医传承辅助平台(V2.5),将临床研究文献进行数据挖掘,分析针灸治疗乳腺增生病(hyperplasia of mammar glands,HMG)的腧穴配伍规律,总结针灸治疗HMG的核心处方,为临床应用针灸治疗HMG提供可行的参考数据。方法 检索2010年1月-2019年12月中国知网期刊数据库(CNKI)、万方数据库(WANFANG)、维普数据库(VIP)和中国生物医学文献服务系统(CBM)4个数据库中收录的针灸治疗HMG的临床研究文献,通过排除和纳入标准进行筛选,将其中符合标准文献的针灸处方等信息录入中医传承辅助平台,采用软件集成的数据挖掘方法,分析针灸治疗HMG的腧穴配伍规律。结果 共筛选纳入394篇文献,涉及112个腧穴;使用频次居于前10位的腧穴依次为膻中、乳根、足三里、屋翳、太冲、肩井、肝俞、天宗、合谷、三阴交。结论 针灸治疗HMG的选穴以足阳明胃经、任脉、足厥阴肝经腧穴为主,本研究得到的腧穴配伍规律和核心处方可为临床治疗HMG提供参考。
      Objective Based on the auxiliary platform of traditional Chinese medicine (v2.5),this paper is to explore the data of clinical research literature,analyze the law of acupoint compatibility of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of Hyperplasia of Mammary Gland(HMG),summarize the core prescription of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of HMG,and provide feasible reference data for clinical application of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of HMG.Methods Search the clinical research literatures of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for HMG,included in CNKI,Wanfang,VIP and CBM databases from January 2010 to December 2019.The data were screened through exclusion and inclusion criteria,and the information of syndrome differentiation and classification,acupuncture prescription and other information in accordance with the criteria were entered into the Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support Platform,using the data mining method of software integration to analyze the law of acupoint compatibility of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of HMG.Results A total of 394 literatures were selected and included,involving 112 acupoints,and the most common syndrome was liver depression and phlegm coagulation;the acupoints with the highest frequency were Tanzhong,Rugen,Zusanli,Wuyi,Taichong,Jianjing,Ganshu,Tianzong,Hegu and Sanyinjiao.Conclusion The acupoints of stomach meridian,Ren meridian and liver meridian of foot Yang Ming are the main acupoints for acupuncture treatment of HMG.The compatibility rule and core prescription of acupoints obtained in this study can provide reference for clinical treatment of HMG.
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