Analyze on the effects of different fixation methods after the reconstruction of the third degree of damage of the proximal interphalangeal collateral ligament
中文关键词: 手指侧副韧带损伤;锚钉;固定方式
英文关键词: Injury to the collateral ligament of the finger;Ground anchor;Fixed form
徐会 济宁医学院附属医院, 济宁 272029 
张亮亮 济宁医学院附属医院, 济宁 272029 
薛本立 广西医科大学, 广西 530022 
张磊 济宁医学院附属医院, 济宁 272029 
韩清銮 济宁医学院附属医院, 济宁 272029 
摘要点击次数: 3176
全文下载次数: 1498
      目的 比较手指近端指间关节(PIP)侧副韧带损伤重建后不同固定方式对于手指术后功能恢复的影响。方法 收集我院2016年7月-2017年7月治疗的手指PIP侧副韧带Ⅲ度损伤的病例24例,所有患者均接受带线微型骨锚行侧副韧带重建术术后行指间关节固定,根据固定方式不同,分为克氏针固定组(12例)和邻指捆绑固定组(12例)。随访至少6个月。评估治疗后临床结果:1)近端指间关节(PIP)和远侧指间关节(DIP)关节的运动范围,2)关节稳定性,3)疼痛评分,4)PIP关节外形,以及5)关节功能评价。结果 两组的关节稳定性无统计学差异。在随访的末期,两组的关节运动范围无统计学差异。然而,治疗后3个月内捆绑组患者的PIP运动范围比克氏针固定组恢复得更快。捆绑组患者PIP疼痛较轻。两组PIP关节梭形变无明显差异。PIP关节saetta功能评价,邻指捆绑组优于克氏针固定组。结论 PIP侧副韧带重建术后使用捆绑法固定指间关节,可以提供快速的PIP运动范围的恢复,可以减轻PIP的疼痛,最大限度的恢复手指的功能。
      Objective The effects of different fixation methods on postoperative functional recovery of finger were compared after the reconstruction of the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP).Methods Collected from July 2016 to July 2017 treatment of 24 cases PIP lateral collateral ligament Ⅲ finger injury cases,followed up for at least six months.All patients received interphalangeal fixation after reconstruction of collateral ligaments with micro-bone anchors.According to different fixation methods,they were divided into kirschner wire fixation group (12 cases) and adjacent finger fixation group (12 cases).We evaluated the following clinical outcomes after treatment:1) range of motion of the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) and distal interphalangeal joint (DIP),2) joint stability,3) pain score,4) PIP joint appearance,and 5) joint function evaluation.Results There was no statistical difference in joint stability between the two groups.At the end of follow-up,there was no significant difference in the range of motion between the two groups.However,within 3 months after treatment,the PIP range of motion was recovered faster in the bound group than in the stitching group.PIP pain was mild in the bundled group.There was no significant difference in the deformation of the PIP joint.The function evaluation of the PIP joint saetta was superior to that of the kirschner wire fixation group.Conclusion The fixation of interphalangeal joint after PIP collateral ligament reconstruction can provide rapid restoration of PIP range of motion,alleviate PIP pain,and restore finger function to the maximum extent.
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