Thermodynamic study on the interaction of silver nanowires with bovine serum albumin
中文关键词: 银纳米线;牛血清白蛋白;荧光猝灭;热力学参数;结合能力
英文关键词: Silver nanowire;Bovine serum albumin;Fluorescence quenching;Thermodynamic parameters;Binding capacity
赵文婧 济宁医学院临床医学院, 济宁 272013  
杨林青 济宁医学院附属医院, 济宁 272029  
杜中玉 济宁医学院基础医学院, 济宁 272067  
毛旭艳 济宁医学院生物纳米技术与医学工程研究所, 济宁 272067  
姜靓 济宁医学院生物纳米技术与医学工程研究所, 济宁 272067  
徐香玉 济宁医学院生物纳米技术与医学工程研究所, 济宁 272067 xuxiangyu1212@163.com 
刘君 济宁医学院基础医学院, 济宁 272067 jnyxyliujun@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2790
全文下载次数: 981
      目的 本文主要研究粒径为30nm的银纳米线与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)的相互作用,得到相应的热力学参数,如结合常数,吉布斯自由能变、熵变、焓变。方法 利用紫外可见吸收光谱法(UV-vis)对银纳米线的吸收光谱进行分析,利用荧光光谱法(FL)研究银纳米线与BSA之间的相互作用。结果 随着纳米银溶液浓度的增加,混合溶液的紫外吸收峰强度增大,而荧光强度明显猝灭。3个温度下的猝灭常数(Kq)分别6.328×1010、3.779×1010和2.780×1010L·mol-1·s-1,均大于2.0×1010L·mol-1·s-1,表明相互作用是静态猝灭过程。同步荧光结果表明,银纳米线的加入对蛋白质周围的环境以及二级结构产生了影响。由变温荧光实验可得相互作用的焓变(ΔH)为-180.3kJ·mol-1,熵变(ΔS)为-565.3 J·mol-1·K-1结论 本研究获得了纳米银与BSA相互作用的结合常数、结合位点数以及吉布斯自由能变等热力学参数,为新型纳米药物的合成提供理论依据。
      Objective The interaction between silver nanowires with a particle size of 30 nm and bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied,and the corresponding thermodynamic parameters such as binding constant,Gibbs free energy change,entropy change and enthalpy change were obtained. Methods The absorption spectra of silver nanowires were analyzed by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-vis).The interaction between silver nanowires and BSA was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy (FL). Results With the increase of the concentration of nano-silver solution,the ultraviolet absorption peak intensity of the mixed solution increases the fluorescence intensity quenches obviously.The quenching constants (Kq) at three temperatures are 6.328×1010,3.779×1010,2.780×1010 L·mol-1 s-1,respectively,which are greater than 2.0×1010 L·mol-1 s-1 indicates that the interaction is a static quenching process.The results of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the environment and secondary structure of protein were affected by the addition of silver nanowires.The enthalpy change (ΔH) and entropy change (ΔS) of the interaction obtained by the variable temperature fluorescence experiment is -180.3kJ·mol-1 and -565.3J·mol-1·K-1,respectively. Conclusion The binding constants,the number of binding sites and the Gibbs free energy of the interaction between silver nanoparticles and BSA can also be obtained by temperature-dependent fluorescence experiments.These data provide a theoretical basis for the synthesis of new nanomedicines.
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