The occurrence and analysis of blood transfusion adverse reactions
中文关键词: 输血不良反应;预防对策;合理用血
英文关键词: Blood transfusion adverse reactions;Prevention measures;Reasonable transfusion
孟子凡 青岛大学附属医院, 青岛 266000  
孙波 青岛大学附属医院, 青岛 266000 qysunbo@163.com 
张树超 青岛大学附属医院, 青岛 266000  
张少强 青岛大学附属医院, 青岛 266000  
程聪 青岛大学附属医院, 青岛 266000  
杨元铭 青岛大学附属医院, 青岛 266000  
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全文下载次数: 1649
      目的 分析某三甲医院输血不良反应上报情况,探讨常见输血不良反应的类型及影响因素,从而采取有效输血方案减少不良反应的发生。方法 回顾性分析某三甲医院2015年7月至2017年6月输血病例173191例,分析常见的输血不良反应、不同血液成分制品及不同临床科室中各种输血不良反应发生率。结果 173191例输血病例中发生输血不良反应171例,均为过敏反应和非溶血性发热反应。不良反应发生率0.10%。发生不良反应的血液制品有去白悬浮红细胞、冰冻血浆/病毒灭活冰冻血浆和去白单采血小板,其中去白单采血小板发生率最高。输注冷沉淀、洗涤红细胞及自体血的无不良反应报告。上报输血不良反应的临床科室以血液内科、血液儿科和肾病科居多。结论 临床医师应严格把握输血适应症,准确评估患者情况,杜绝无必要的输血。如需再次输血提前采取预防措施、合理选择血液成分,提倡自体输血。
      Objective To study the types of adverse reactions and the factors affecting the adverse reactions of blood transfusion by analysing of the adverse reactions of blood transfusion in a hospital.Therefore,effective measurements should be taken to reduce the incidence of blood transfusion adverse reactions.Methods In retrospective analysis of 17,3191 blood transfusion cases reported by the hospital from July 2015 to June 2017,the types of the adverse reactions,the incidence of the adverse reactions of different blood products and departments were analyzed.Results A total of 171 cases were reported,which were allergic reactions and non-hemolytic febrile reactions at a rate of 0.10%.The blood products of blood transfusion adverse reactions included suspended leukocyte reduced red blood cells,frozen plasma/virus inactivated frozen plasma and platelets.Among the blood products of transfusion adverse reactions,the incidence rate of platelets occupied the multiple.None appeared in cryoprecipitate,washed red blood cells and autoblood.The majority of adverse reactions occurred in patients in department of Hematopathology,Pediatric Hematology and Nephrology.Conclusion The clinician should be stricted with blood transfusion indications to evaluate patients accurately and avoid all unnecessary blood transfusion.If the retransfusion was required,the preventive measurements was taken in advance to select blood components rationally and promote autotransfusion.
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