Literature analysis of precocious puberty in Chinese children in recent 10 years
中文关键词: 儿童;性早熟;文献计量分析
英文关键词: Children;Precocious puberty;Bibliometric analysis
杨素兰 苏州明基医院, 苏州 215000 
杨璐绫 郑州大学医学院, 郑州 450001 
冯轲昕 郑州大学医学院, 郑州 450001 
叶瑶瑶 苏州明基医院, 苏州 215000 
原小惠 郑州大学医学院, 郑州 450001 
摘要点击次数: 3453
全文下载次数: 3265
      目的 探讨近10年国内性早熟的研究进展以更好地预防及避免性早熟的发生。方法 采用文献计量学方法对2007-2016年国内儿童性早熟研究文献的年度数量分布、研究方向分布、合著数量分布、第一作者单位所在机构及省市分布、基金项目分布等方面进行分析,为我国儿童性早熟研究者提供参考。结果 近10年国内医学期刊发表数量总体呈上升趋势,以临床诊治、诱因机制分析为研究方向的文献占56.12%,多为合著,第一作者北上广江浙地区占46.61%;基金项目文献所占比例呈增长趋势,江浙沪广黑龙江地区占据基金项目的75.69%。结论 医务工作者、科学研究等人员对性早熟的关注度上升,临床诊治、诱因机制分析为关注的热点,而且以申请基金项目团队合作形式来研究性早熟的深度、广度、人力投入强度增大,研究内容、范围、水平不断在提高,尤其在经济发达地区。
      Objective To explore the development of domestic precocious puberty in recent 10 years and prevent and avoid the occurrence of precocious puberty.Methods Using literature metrology method,this paper analyzes the annual quanbutative distribution,research direction distribution,co-authorship distribution,the institution of the first author and the distriction of provinces and municipalities,and the fund project distribution of the demestic research literature on precocious puberty from 2007 to 2016,it provides a reference for the researchers of precocious puberty in children of China.Results In the past 10 years,the number of precocious puberty published on medical journals in China has been on the rise,among these,the literature of clinical diagnosis and treatment and incentive mechanism account for 56.12%,with most of them are co-authorship,with the first author in Beijing/Shanghai/Guangdong/Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces accounting for 46.4%.The proportion of fund project literature is increasing,with Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Guangdong-Heilongjiang area accounting for 75.69% of the total of fund project literature.Conclusion Increasing attention is paid to precocious puberty by medical workers and scientific researchers.Clinical diagnosis and treatment,inducement mechanism analysis is the focus of research.And the depth,breadth,manpower input of precocious puberty research,in the form of application for fund project team cooperation,are enlarging,and the content,scope and level of research are increasing,especially in economically developed areas.
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