Relationship between psychological resilience and locus of control of college students
中文关键词: 大学生;心理韧性;心理控制
英文关键词: College student;Psychological resilience;Locus of control
董亚歌 皖南医学院人文与管理学院, 芜湖 241000  
张雪娇 皖南医学院人文与管理学院, 芜湖 241000  
杭荣华 皖南医学院人文与管理学院, 芜湖 241000 rhhang311@126.com 
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全文下载次数: 1733
      目的 了解大学生心理韧性与心理控制的现状, 探讨心理韧性与心理控制的关系。方法 采用青少年心理弹性量表和内控性、有势力的他人及机遇量表(IPC量表)对386名大学生的心理韧性与心理控制的现状及关系进行调查分析。结果 1)大学生的心理韧性的条目均分为(3.50±0.42)分;IPC量表的3个纬度得分分别为(28.18±5.78)分、(16.21±7.60)分、(18.51±6.44)分。2)女生在心理韧性总分及积极认知、家庭支持、人际协助维度上显著高于男生(均为P<0.05);独生子女在人际协助维度上得分显著高于非独生子女(P<0.05);非独生子女在积极认知维度上显著高于独生子女(P<0.01)。3)内控性与心理韧性成中等程度的正相关(r=0.420, P<0.01), 有势力的他人、机遇与心理韧性成中等程度的负相关(r=-0.428, P<0.01;r=-0.457, P<0.01)。4)回归分析的结果表明, 心理控制对心理韧性有显著预测作用。结论 大学生的心理韧性水平较高;性别以及是否为独生子女对心理韧性水平有一定的影响;心理控制各维度与心理韧性关系密切, 可以用来预测心理韧性水平。
      Objective To investigate the status of college students' psychological resilience and locus of control source, to explore the relationship between the two.Methods To investigate 386 college students with Adolescent Psychological Elastic Scale and Internality, Powerful Others and Chance Scale(IPC scale), and analyze the relationship between students' psychological resilience and locus of control.Results 1)Among the students, the total score of psychological resilience was 94.46 ±11.44, and entry sharing 3.50 ± 0.42.The score of three latitude of IPC scale respectively was 28.18±5.78, 16.21 ±7.60, and 18.51±6.44.2) In terms of positive cognition, family support, interpersonal assist and psychological resilience, female college students' scores were much higher than that of male college students (all P<0.05).Only-child scored significantly higher than non-only-child in interpersonal assist (P<0.05).Non-only-child got much higher scores than only-child on the factor of positive perception(P<0.01).3) The scores of internal control and psychological resilience have moderate positive correlation (r=0.420, P<0.01).The scores of powerful others and chance have moderate negative correlation with psychological resilience(r=-0.428, P<0.01;r=-0.457, P<0.01).4) The regression analysis results showed that the locus of control had prediction on psychological resilience.Conclusion The overall level of psychological resilience of the students we studied is good.Gender and whether only-child have an impact on the level of psychological resilience.Each dimension of the locus of control have a very close relationship with psychological resilience, which can be used to predict the psychological resilience.
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